Dear smartphone companies,
About a fourth of the United States do not own mobile devices, with rural schools and communities and the elder population being a large constituent of this group. The SOS application, which can help these people live safer lives, requires a mobile device to run on. With your help, we can ensure that anybody, no matter their economic status or age, can be safe and sound during a crisis situation. Gun violence is especially prevalent in impoverished areas, and individuals living there have the same right to safety precautions as any person. With that in mind, the SOS campaign is asking you to sponsor our cause and donate devices to give out to those without them. We will feature your company on our website and shirts, and market it in any media we use to bring awareness to our campaign.
Bhaash Pathak
Dear cloud hosting companies,
Currently, the SOS application needs to charge schools and other large organizations as the cloud hosting fees are extensive when a large number of people are in one group. With your help, we could drive down the cost of the SOS application for schools and elder care facilities. The SOS application could reach a larger portion of the intended audience and provide safety measures to additional schools. We will feature your company on our website, shirts, and other forms of media for your help in bringing our application to more organizations. Additionally, we will contact these organizations to find out how they can advertise your services.
Bhaash Pathak
Dear social media and SEO marketing companies,
In today’s age, websites and social media are the primary way to transmit information to as many people as possible. The SOS campaign takes this fact to heart and primarily promotes our application through our website and social media. There are 320 million internet users in the U.S. who could learn about our cause with a click of a button. With your help, we can bring awareness about the SOS application to more people by ensuring that our website and social media accounts are readily accessible and appealing. Our services can have a national impact if they are marketed to the fullest extent. We will feature your company in our website, social media, and shirts and speak lengths about the effectiveness of your services.
Bhaash Pathak
Dear volunteer organizations,
The SOS campaign is looking for volunteers to fill a number of roles, including but not limited to spreading awareness for the SOS campaign, helping with social media, and charting data. As a nonprofit, we need the help of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers to bring the SOS application to as many schools, families, and elder care facilities as possible. We will feature your organization in our website, social media, and shirts, and provide the SOS application for your organization free of charge. Volunteers can be eligible for recognition and will receive thank you gifts for their time. Additionally, those demonstrating outstanding service can be introduced to our corporate sponsors.
Bhaash Pathak